Census 2021: Unpaid Carers Briefing (published September 2023)
Supplementary Carers Briefing (additional content to support September 2023 document)
Wirral’s joint strategy for carers (2023 - 2026) (published July 2023)
Key Findings
Carers JSNA published June 2018
Data from Census 2011 shows that Wirral has a higher proportion of self-reported Carers compared to England and the North West
Overall, 12.6% of the adult population in Wirral self-reported as providing at least 1 hour of unpaid care per week, or over 40,000 residents
Greasby, Frankby & Irby ward has the highest proportion of self-reported Carers (15.3%), with Birkenhead and Tranmere having the lowest (9.9%) according to Census 2011 but had the lowest rate of Carers known to Adult Social Care
Conversely Seacombe ward has had a low rate of self-reported Carers according to Census 2011 but had the highest rate of Carers known to Adult Social Care
In Wirral overall, 26.5% of self-reported Carers stated they provided at least 50 hours of unpaid care
Pensby & Thingwall had the highest proportion of Carers (39.0%) providing at least 50 hours of unpaid care per week, compared to Rock Ferry, where 16.4% provided 50+ hours of unpaid care
In Wirral, self-reported health status declines as the number of unpaid care hours increases
Between Census 2001 and Census 2011, the number of Carers aged between 25-49 years has declined both locally and nationally
Local projections estimate that there are 41,765 Carers in Wirral in 2018, which could increase to 42,644 by 2028
The 2018 projections estimate that 17,723 of these Carers will be aged 65+ with 75% of these providing 50+ hours of care
In Census 2011, 22,000 Carers reported that they combined care responsibilities with employment; 13,000 working full time
For most BAME groups, Wirral has higher rates than England and the North West; lower rates include Carers from Asian/Asian British and Black/African/Caribbean/Black British groups
Wirral’s overall BAME Carer rate as per the Census 2011 was 88.4 per 1,000 residents aged 18+
Claughton ward has the highest BAME Carer rate in Wirral (126.4 per 1,000) compared to Birkenhead & Tranmere ward (60.0 per 1,000)
GP recording has improved annually with 8,103 Carers now recorded by GP practices in January 2018 though still much less than numbers recorded in Census 2011
There are 4,822 Carers known to Adult Social Care in Wirral (January 2018), 4564 of whom reside in Wirral. This gives a Wirral rate of 18 per 1,000 residents aged 18+
Carers aged 50-69 years make up 47.5% of adult Carers known to Adult Social Care in Wirral
Seacombe ward has the highest rate of Carers known to Adult Social Care (23.96 per 1,000)
Carers providing physical support account for 49.3% of Carers known to Adult Social Care in Wirral
Wirral Carer’s Survey 2016/17 shows that 75% of respondents felt they did not have enough control over their daily life
Wirral has a lower proportion of Carers who feel they have been adequately involved in discussions around the person they care for, compared to England; 67.6% compared to 70.6%
Carers have a number of unique issues that affect their ability to care including: not always receiving adequate support for their health needs; employment and unemployment problems; range of care needs they must support; isolation in their caring role with specific groups with specific needs such as: young Carers, BAME Carers, LGBT Carer needs, those former armed service members and increasing demands as Carers get older.
Previous content
Also see Wirral Young Carers Section in Children, Young People & Families: JSNA 2018
Further information
Visit Wirral Carers for the latest information and services available for carers.
Caring as a social determinant of health: review of evidence (March 2021) This report adds to the growing evidence that unpaid caring should be considered a social determinant of health.
Carers action plan 2018 to 2020
The plan sets out how the government will improve support for carers in England over the next 2 years. -
State of Caring Survey 2018 results (October 2018)
Each year Carers UK run the State of Caring Survey to help understand the reality of what it means to care for a family member or friend. This year almost 7000 people currently caring unpaid for loved ones filled out their survey and this helped to gather valuable evidence as to a real-time picture of what it’s like to be a carer in 2018. Worryingly results from the annual State of Caring survey have shown that half of unpaid carers said they expect their quality of life to get worse in the next 12 months. The research shows the immense strain carers are under and an underfunded social care system that is really taking its toll on families. Only one in ten of those caring unpaid for a relative or friend feel confident that the support they receive and rely upon will continue. -
Dementia: assessment, management and support for people living with dementia and their carers (June 2018)
This NICE guideline covers diagnosing and managing dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease). It aims to improve care by making recommendations on training staff and helping carers to support people living with dementia. -
North West Analysis of the Survey of Adult Carers in England 2016/2017
This report contains findings from selected questions from the Survey of Adult Carers in England, 2016-17 (SACE) in the North West. This national survey takes place every other year and is conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs). The report analyses the North West Local Authorities against the national average, and compares the 2016/17 results with those from the previous two surveys, which took place in 2014/15 and 2012/13. -
Wirral Carers Survey Report 2016/17 The Carers Survey is distributed to local residents by local authorities annually in order to gauge opinions and views about life as a carer and the responses are used to develop and inform our future policy, procedures and processes and support Carers across the Borough. This result of that engagement is this local report.
Carers strategy: the second national action plan 2014 to 2016
The action plan document identifies the main actions for the next 2 years around supporting carers. It has an overview of evidence gathered over the last few years. It also explains the main national achievements in recognising and supporting carers during that time. This builds on the national Carers Strategy of 2008 and the next steps update of 2010. -
Wirral Carers Strategy:2014 - 2017 This strategy provided a framework with clear commissioning intentions to further improve and develop services to effectively support Carers in Wirral. It identified and built on the good work that has already taken place; enhancing the quality of life for the people Carers care for and increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of health and social care services.
Carers NW Transition Alliance Conference 26/01/2012
These slides discussing Wirral's local approach to evidence and Carer support were presented at the event for an audience from across North West and beyond