Children & Young People: Previous JSNA 2018
Previous Children and Young People: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2018
In order to support the commissioning and delivery across the breadth of local children's services we have undertook a collaborative approach to the production of a comprehensive, yet iterative, evidence base. These sections were added up to April 2018. They cover 14 key areas which are below.
A new updated assessment of local need for children and young people has been prepared and is available at This is Wirral: Children and Young People.
Population and Demographics
Maternal (Pre-birth, birth and first year)
Still awaiting completion - date uncertain
in the meantime...
Teenage pregnancy and young parents
Teenage pregnancy prevention framework
Guidance for local teenage pregnancy prevention programmes to help young people avoid unplanned pregnancies and develop healthy relationships.
Wirral's PHE narrative report on teenage pregnancy is available as part of PHE's Fingertips tool and brings together key data and information to help inform commissioning decisions to reduce unplanned teenage conceptions and improve outcomes for young parents.
Teenage pregnancy prevention framework
Framework for supporting teenage mothers and young fathers
Early Years
School Age Health and Wellbeing (Primary and Secondary)
Still awaiting completion - date uncertain
Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people
Completion uncertain
Children in Care, Care Leavers, Placements and Sufficiency
Completion uncertain
See previous content
Childrens Social Care: Overview of local needs (February 2018)
This short summary provides some insight into issues related to deprivation and associated geographic aspects that might help Children’s Social Workers in their understanding and support of local children, young people and their families.
Local Government Research: Children in Need and Care Report for Wirral Children and Young People (April 2018)
This LGInform report presents the statistics on Children in Need, on Child Protection Plans and in Care available for Wirral, compared to your selected comparison group of All English metropolitan boroughs. This should help to assess the relative performance of the Local Authority against the comparison group for a range of key indicators.
- Parenting (corresponds to evidence as published in Child and Adolescent Emotional Health and Wellbeing section)
- Latest Parenting activity courses and sessions
Child and Adolescent: Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
Disabilities, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Complex Needs (0–19) - (19-25 years)
Completion uncertain
See related content
Disabilities, Complex Needs and Special Educational Needs: Review of LGInform performance (April 2018)
This short report sets out to highlight those key performance indicators, presented by LGInform reports, were Wirral would be considered an ‘outlier’ for that performance. This information can aide partners, and commissioners of local SEND and other related disability services alike, to direct provision and plan new approaches.
Educational Outcomes
- Education Attainment and Standards
This section provides a detailed analysis of children’s outcomes at the end of the Early Years (aged 5), Key Stage 1 (aged 7) and Key Stage 2 (aged 11) - Education Attainment and Standards: Key Stage 4
This section provides a detailed analysis of pupil outcomes at the end of Key Stage 4 (aged 16)). In 2017, pupils sat reformed GCSEs in English language, English literature and mathematics for the first time, graded on a 9-1 scale - Education Attainment and Standards: High Attaining
This section provides a detailed analysis of pupil outcomes at greater depth at the end of Key Stage 1 (aged 7) and Key Stage 2 (aged 11)
Expecting update for 2018 data
Post 16 Education, Employment and Training
Previous version June 2017
Children and young people: post 16 education, employment and training (June 2017)
Updated August 2019
This is a review of the current performance, activity, guidance and service provision relating to Post-16 participation in employment, education, training and skills development in Wirral.
Local Voice (Engagement and Participation)
Most recent update
Wirral Voice of the Child Survey (Key findings, 2019)
SEND Youth focused Partnerships Event: Pilgrim Street Arts Centre
Summary Event Report (February 2019)
This report outlines the detail of the SEND Youth Voice Conference held at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre on Friday 25th January 2019
his annual event affords Wirral’s SEND Youth Voice group the opportunity to be listened to with a view to professionals learning and leading their services to better support and meet the needs of these young people. Last year’s event acted as a catalyst for significant change and, as such, the SEND youth voice group were encouraged to share their views on their most problematic area, namely Safety. Not coincidentally the Under 16 group and the Over 16’s both chose Safety as the nominated topic for discussion at this year’s event.
SEND Youth focused Partnerships Event: Pilgrim Street Arts Centre
Summary Event Report (November 2018)
This report outlines the detail of the SEND Youth Group Focused Partnerships Event held at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre on Friday 23rd November 2018. This event was a pilot for what is hoped will be an on-going facility and was in direct response to the highlighted needs at the SEND Youth Voice Conference in January 2018.
SEND young people report they don’t feel listened to and cannot access the employment opportunities they feel they should be able to and are more than capable of accessing. They wanted a vehicle to speak to providers and challenge the reasoning behind the barriers to paid employment and showcase their aspirations, skill set and experience whilst asking for leads to help them reach their career goals.
Local voice for children and young people (June 2018)
This is a summary of those opportunities and instances that Wirral’s Children and Young People’s Department and key partners have sought the views of those accessing the services provided, involving them, and seeking to understand and incorporate their views into the wider decision-making process.
Young Carers
This is a review of the issues, demographics, research, local activity and service provision relating to Wirral Young Carers
New figures from BBC News and the University of Nottingham reveal that the extent of caring by children is much higher than had been thought, with 22% of children, who responded to a questionnaire, admitting to being young carers.
If the results reflect the country as a whole, it would mean that over 800,000 secondary school children (aged 11-16 years) in England have to care for someone at home, with nearly 260,000 regularly doing domestic work, household management and emotional care.
Also see Wirral Carers Section
Children and young people who are involved in anti-social and offending behaviour
Completion uncertain