Health Inequalities: Marmot Review 10 Years On
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On
UK life expectancy has been stalling at the same time as a decade of austerity. The 10 Years On Review, #Marmot 2020, will confirm a widening of health inequalities, a widening of health inequalities and set out the current cost to society of avoidable health inequalities (health inequities).
In the ten years since the publication of The Marmot Review, health inequalities appear to be widening, and life expectancy increases have stalled. The country urgently needs to reprioritise and take action on health inequalities.
The report highlights that:
people can expect to spend more of their lives in poor health
improvements to life expectancy have stalled, and declined for the poorest 10% of women
the health gap has grown between wealthy and deprived areas
place matters – living in a deprived area of the North East is worse for your health than living in a similarly deprived area in London, to the extent that life expectancy is nearly five years less.
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On, was published in February 2020
Marmot Indicators for Local Authorities in England
Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review report was published in February 2010, presenting the recommendations of the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010. In February 2011, the first Marmot Indicators for local authorities were released, providing information to support monitoring of the overall strategic direction in reducing health inequalities. These indicators were updated in 2012.
Then launched in September 2014 by the Institute of Health Equity, the Marmot Indicators were developed in collaboration with Public Health England.
No new updates have been produced
The Segment Tool 2015 - Segmenting life expectancy gaps by cause of death
The Segment Tool has been developed by the Public Health England (PHE) Knowledge and Intelligence Teams (London and East Midlands) and provides information on the causes of death that are driving inequalities in life expectancy at local area level. Targeting the causes of death which contribute most to the life expectancy gap should have the biggest impact on reducing inequalities.
The tool uses data for 2010-12 and allows users to view the breakdown of the life expectancy gap both within local authority areas, and between a local authority and England as a whole.