Health Protection

Latest Health Protection content is linked to the 2023 strategy.
As such content below is historic information.

Health Protection

With partners in the local Health Protection Group and lead officers for Environmental Health we are producing JSNA content to describe the local story of need for Wirral residents in relation to Health Protection and to support the raising of awareness of the issues that relate to Health Protection.

The local Health Protection Group is chaired by the Director of Public Health and includes lead members with responsibility for health protection from Wirral Council, NHS England, Public Health England and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group. The group has a strategic focus on system leadership, assurance and risk management for health protection across Wirral. The group is responsible for presenting this 'local story of need' in the JSNA.

Last published
Previously published
Health Protection related content
Environmental Health related content
  • Takeaway for a Change
    collaborative Wirral pilot project to encourage behavioural change within families by raising awareness of and improving attitudes towards healthier options available at local fast food outlets.

  • A recent LGiU Briefing: Local Authorities and Food Safety (July 2016)
    This Local Government Information Unit report highlights the changing and complicated picture in relation to local food safety. 

  • Food Standards Agency (FSA) - Latest Enforcement Data by Local Authority Area
    FSA work closely with local authorities in the UK to help ensure food stays safe and honest. FSA have agreements and protocols in place to support local authorities in their work and give guidance to explain the regulations and how they can be applied to food businesses. This Monitoring local authority activity data and report provides more understanding of local enforcement outcomes.

  • Every breath we take: the lifelong impact of air pollution Royal College of Physicians (March 2016)
    This report, jointly published with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, examines the impact of exposure to air pollution across the course of a lifetime. The report offers a number of major reform proposals setting out what must be done to tackle the problem of air pollution. View the Royal College of Physicians website for more information.