Older People
Older People (November 2015)
Latest Update
State of Healthy Ageing in the North West 2022 report
The aim of the OHID report is to shine a spotlight on healthy ageing in the North West and highlight some of the wider impacts of COVID-19 on older people.
Older People Outcomes Baseline Profile (2021)
This 2021 profile again supplements the Healthy Wirral Outcomes Framework for Older People. Its primary focus is to provide a high-level baseline position, highlighting variation that will inform the development of population-based commissioning.
Also see:
Previous Cancer JSNA (Cheshire & Merseyside) October 2021 (Full JSNA)
Previous Cancer JSNA (Cheshire & Merseyside) October 2021 (PowerPoint slide set of key messages)
Key findings of Older People Outcomes Baseline Profile
Population projections indicate that the older population in Wirral is expected to increase by 30% by 2030. Even larger increases are predicted for the very oldest old - the 90+ age group in Wirral is predicted to increase by 103% by 2030
Wards in the more affluent west of Wirral have a higher proportion of their population aged 65+
One in three older people in Wirral live alone, with rates highest in areas of deprivation
According to the latest Indices of Deprivation (2015), between 50% and 70% of older people in wards in east Wirral are income deprived. Even in the west of Wirral, one in three older people (35%) are in receipt of guaranteed Pension Credit
Social isolation was identified as the top issue affecting older people locally (by older people themselves). Analysis suggests that the wards with the highest levels of social isolation were Bidston & St James, Birkenhead & Tranmere and Rock Ferry – all very deprived wards in Wirral
Around 7,600 older people in Wirral claim Attendance Allowance (a benefit paid to help older people with the extra costs associated with being severely disabled). Women make up the majority of claimants (mainly because women live longer than men)
The most common reason for older people to be in touch with Social Services in Wirral was for the installation of equipment and adaptations
There were 405 carers aged 65+ in Wirral in 2013/14 (known to services). Estimates suggest that the number of older people likely to be carers in Wirral is around 10,000. This would mean that around 4% (or one in 25) carers are known to services in Wirral currently
Older people in Wirral (aged 50+) are less likely to be economically active compared to same age counterparts in the North-West and England. Women were less likely to be economically active than men. Around one in 7 older people in Wirral regularly volunteer.
An estimated one in ten households (where the oldest person was aged 60+) were living in fuel poverty in England in 2013
In Wirral, there were an estimated 328 Excess Winter Deaths in 2012/13. Around half of these (48%) occurred in those aged over 85. EWD are higher in Wirral compared to England
In comparison to comparable councils and England, Wirral had a higher rate of older people living in both nursing and residential care in 2013-14
Almost one third of people’s lives in Wirral are likely to be spent in poor health
The number of older people with continence issues looks likely to increase from 11,000 in 2015 to 14,500 in 2030 – an increase of 24% in the next 15 years
Estimates suggest that around 4,800 in people aged 65+ in Wirral will have dementia. GP records show that around 2,300 are recorded as having dementia, which means there are around 2,500 people (less than half of the total) locally who have dementia, but are not known to services
Wirral met the flu target (75.1% coverage amongst older people) but not the PPV (Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine) target (69.6% coverage) which protects against pneumonia
National figures suggest that around half of all older people who fall and suffer a hip fracture will be unable to live independently afterward. In Wirral in 2014/15, 414 older people were admitted to hospital with a hip fracture
Many people struggle to get out and about as they get older. Access to transport can improve social isolation, independence and physical health, as well as being more sustainable. Take up of the free Older Persons travel pass is 2nd lowest in Merseyside in Wirral (87%)
Older people are the age group most likely to worry about being the victim of crime, but local crime figures suggest that older people are actually less likely to be a victim of crime than younger people
Previous Evidence
Older People Outcomes Baseline Profile (2021)
This 2021 profile again supplements the Healthy Wirral Outcomes Framework for Older People. Its primary focus is to provide a high-level baseline position, highlighting variation that will inform the development of population-based commissioning. -
Older People Outcomes Baseline Profile (2019)
This profile has been designed as a resource to accompany the Healthy Wirral Outcomes Framework for Older People. Its primary focus is to provide a high-level baseline position, highlighting variation that will inform the development of population-based commissioning. -
Frailty Evidence Review (August 2018)
There is a lack of consensus on a definition for frailty. This evidence review sets out to gather the latest and best known information to help understand the implications of frailty on a local population. -
Older Peoples Isolation Index: Results for Wirral (March 2015)
This local report provided information on Wirral postcodes that were mapped by their chance of containing older people who are at risk of social isolation, using an older people isolation index (OPII) based on Mosaic geodemographic data. We found that Bidston & St James ward and Birkenhead & Tranmere ward had the highest average older people isolation index score. There were three hotspots of potential older people at risk of isolation around Oxton, West Kirby & Hoylake, and New Ferry, Bebington & Bromborough. -
Older People and Social Isolation(May 2015)
This review of the evidence was produced by Wirral Business & Public Health Intelligence Team -
Older People's Health and Wellbeing Tool
The Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Profile produced by Public Health England and can be used to examine the health and care of older people by local authority in England. This tool enables identification, comparison and monitoring of trends through interactive charts of 41 indicators. The tool is designed to support strategies for prevention and early intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults, as well as those providing evidence and intelligence to support the development of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments for their local area.
Further Information
Feedback from the 2018 Community Conversation Co-Production Events (July 2018)
This is the feedback from Wirral Residents following the 'Community Conversation' work led by Age UK Wirral -
What is life like for an older person in the UK today? (Added November 2014)
The Office for National Statistics have produced an infographic representing a range of ONS statistics on people aged