Physical Activity
All Together Active
All Together Active is Cheshire and Merseyside’s strategy for the health and social care system to support the sub-region's residents to become more physically active.
The strategy has been commissioned by the Cheshire and Merseyside’s Population Health Board and has been developed by the two Active Partnerships in the sub-region, Active Cheshire and Merseyside Sport Partnership (MSP), supported by Sport England.
Read more at Champs Public Health Collaborative
Please Note: This page also considers Sport and its close association with physical activity
Latest Wirral Physical Activity profile
The Physical Activity tool is part of a series of products produced by Public Health England providing local data alongside national comparisons to support local health improvement. -
Physical activity data tool: September 2017 provided by Public Health England
Update of data on physical activity and related risk factors and conditions at a local level for England. Wirral profile -
Sport England: Active Lives Online
Sport England - Active Lives Survey - measures sport and physical activity across England. It has been running since November 2015 and replaces the Active People Survey. To explore the survey, select the data you are interested in analysing. Latest Report October 2019
Previous Data
Wirral Profile (Sport England Local Sport Profile Tool)
This is Wirral's profile from the Sport England Local Sport Profile Tool. The tool is designed to help local sport commissioners make the best use of a wide variety of data in thinking about how they invest in sport locally. This simple tool contains locally available data on a range of topics but please be aware other content in our JSNA (e.g. demographics) maybe more recent - please consider all available data. - Economic value of sport in England (June 2013)
Sport makes a huge contribution to the lives of individuals, to the economy and to society. Sport England has undertaken research to examine the economic value of sport in England.
Guidance and Evidence
Sporting Future: First Annual Report and Sport England’s investment programmes for tackling inactivity (July 2017)
This briefing provides a policy update on sport and physical activity and will be of interest to councils and their local partners, and particularly to officers and members with responsibilities for sport and physical activity. -
The connections between young people’s mental health and sport participation: scoping the evidence (November 2016)
This scoping review from the Association for Young People’s Health focuses on the role of sport and organised physical activity in helping to prevent and treat mental health problems in young people, particularly in the 14-25 age group. -
Merseyside Sport Partnership: Active People Survey 9 and an overview of Merseyside Local Authorities (November 2016)
They have undertaken this important review of the ninth national active people survey in terms of patterns of physical activity, sport and groups across Merseyside and Wirral who are being active and when. Although Wirral is well placed for participation across Merseyside there are groups that continue to need support to increase their level and frequency of physical activity. The report can be viewed here or find out more about Merseyside Sport Partnership here -
Start active, stay active: infographics on physical activity (October 2016)
Infographics explaining the benefits of physical activity for babies and children for children and young people and for adults and older people. -
Investing in Physical Activity (CHAMPS network guidance, 2015)
Physical inactivity is a serious and increasing issue for public health. This quick reference guide aims to support investing in physical activity. -
Moving the goal posts: Poverty and access to sport for young people (December 2015)
This research by sports charity Street Games commissioned the London School of Economics, found that young people living in areas of deprivation enjoy sport and would like more opportunities to take part in informal sports where they do not have to worry about their ability. The biggest barrier for over school age young people was cost. Young adults aged 18 to 25 were particularly disadvantaged as low incomes, reduced benefits and debt meant that taking part in sport was no longer affordable. -
Change4Life evidence review: rapid evidence review on the effect of physical activity participation among children aged 5 to 11 years (July 2015)
This rapid evidence review aims to identify relevant literature on the physiological, psychological, social, and behavioural outcomes of physical activity participation among children aged 5 to 11 years, and provide an indication of the strength of the evidence for each outcome. -
Introductory guide to the evaluation of weight management, physical activity and dietary interventions (July 2015)
This guide provides an introduction to the evaluation of public health programmes and interventions. -
Physical Activity - Rapid Evidence Review (No. 106) Liverpool Public Health Observatory (April 2015)
Liverpool Public Health Observatory (LPHO) was commissioned by the Merseyside Directors of Public Health, through the Cheshire & Merseyside Public Health Intelligence Network, to produce this rapid evidence review on physical activity. -
Young people, health and youth policy (May 2015)
This article discusses public attitudes to the health of young people, trends in health indices, risk in the context of health, interventions that may contribute to prevention strategies and some of the ‘hot’ topics in the sphere of health research concerning young people. -
Exercise: The miracle cure and the role of the doctor in promoting it (produced by Academy of Medical Royal Colleges) (February 2015)
The big four “proximate” causes of preventable ill-health are: smoking, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and alcohol excess. Relatively low levels of increased activity can make a huge difference. All the evidence suggests small amounts of regular exercise (five times a week for 30 minutes each time for adults) brings dramatic benefits. The exercise should be moderate – enough to get a person slightly out of breath and/or sweaty, and with an increased heart rate. This report is a thorough review of that evidence. This report sets out what doctors can do on a one-to-one basis and in a broader way with communities and organisations, including their own as many doctors are themselves employers. This is about people and their doctors believing that the small effort involved is worth it because they are worth it. This needs to work across the life-course, from children to the very elderly. -
Steps to solving inactivity (November 2014) reviewed by Local Government information Unit in 2015
Through a strategic partnership of ukactive, Public Health England, the Local Government Association, the County Sports Partnership Network and partners the changes required to make such a difference are being taken. This report analyses the most recent government surveys, publishes new information obtained from Freedom of Information (FOI) responses and presents the findings of the largest national review of physical activity interventions of its kind. It is the second in a series of publications that aim to develop the knowledge base and support the campaign to turn the tide of inactivity. -
Everybody active, every day: an evidence-based approach to physical activity (November 2014)
Everybody active, every day’ is a national, evidence-based approach to support all sectors to embed physical activity into the fabric of daily life and make it an easy, cost-effective and ‘normal’ choice in every community in England. ‘Everybody active, every day’ is part of the cross-government ‘Moving More, Living More’ campaign for a more active nation as part of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games legacy. The latest report can be accessed here. -
Obesity and fitness: The relation between obesity, cardio respiratory fitness and mortality (October 2014)
This paper presents recent evidence on the relationship between obesity, cardiovascular fitness and mortality, and briefly explores the main public health. -
Claiming the health dividend: a summary and discussion of value for money estimates from studies of investment in walking and cycling
This report compiles the latest cost-benefit evidence from studies that have calculated health benefits of walking and cycling, alongside other benefits such as savings in travel time, congestion and accidents. - Previous Sport Guidance and Evidence - Please review this document containing previous information on this web page