Post 16 Participation in Employment, Education, Training & Skills Development
Key Findings
Wirral has good overall participation rates but there remains a ‘significant cohort’ of young people Not in Education Employment or Training that increases in size between the ages of 16 and 18 (circa 243 young people).
Wirral has a number of small (<200 pupils), underperforming school 6th forms where the curriculum offer is limited, and outcomes and/or learner progress is below national expected levels.
The level 2 inequality gap has narrowed over the last 3 years and is in line withnational benchmarks. The level 3 attainment inequality gap at key stage 4 and at age 19 is amongst the highest of any local authority area nationally, this gap continues to increase.
Over the last three years the number of young people accessing recognised Apprenticeships has reduced even given the Governments strong focus on raising skills and supporting employers. Success rates for Wirral resident Apprentices’ on all programme levels are in line with national averages.
Travel to learn patterns are complex and there exists variation in attainment dependent on whether, as a Wirral resident, you are post-16 educated inside or outside of the borough. This will require further investigation as further detailed on page 25.
The quality of schools-based careers information, advice and guidance programmes requires continued support and challenge.
Vulnerable groups such as Care Leavers and those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities need more support into employment opportunities.
Programmes which have been funded through the European Social Fund (ESF) will end due to the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. This will leave a gap in initiatives and bespoke programmes to support some of those most vulnerable groups.
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Post 16 Participation in Employment, Education, Training & Skills Development (November 2017)