Wirral Acorn Profile
Key Messages
ACORN can be used to classify the population into 7 Categories, 22 Groups or 65 Types, based on their postcode.
The largest ACORN Category is 4: Steadfast Communities, with 92,505 people, or 28.3% of the Wirral population classified as belonging to this Group; this Group is typically ‘middle of the road Britain’, with working families on incomes just below the UK average.
Over half of the population of Wirral (54.8%) are classified as belonging to just 4 ACORN Groups, 3G: Settled Suburbia (12.1%), 4L: Traditional Homeowners (16.8%), 5R: Hard-Up Households (12.2%) and 6S: Cash-Strapped Families (13.7%).
Eight ACORN Groups exist in such small numbers in Wirral, they can mainly be disregarded in analysis concerning the Wirral population; these are 1A: Exclusive Addresses (0.0%), 1B: Flourishing Capital (0.0%), 2E: Prosperous Professionals (0.0%), 3I: Up-and-Coming Urbanities (0.5%), 3H: Metropolitan Surroundings (0.0%), 3J: Aspiring Communities (0.8%), 4N: Urban Diversity (0.3%) and 7V: Not Private Households (0.9%).
The geographic distribution of the different ACORN Categories, Groups and Types in Wirral reinforces very clearly, what is already known about deprivation in Wirral, with the east of Wirral is dominated by deprived Categories such as 5: Stretched Society and 6: Low-Income Living; the west of Wirral on the other hand, is dominated by more affluent ACORN Categories 1: Luxury Lifestyles and 2: Established Affluence.
Although the majority of the UK adult population (83.6%) now own a smartphone, this varies considerably; among the most common ACORN Group in Wirral (Group 6: Low-Income Living), this figure is much lower at only 80.4% compared to 85.3% in Group 3: Thriving Neighbourhoods.
For more information about Acorn, or to find out if it could help you in your area of work, please contact us at at phintelligence@wirral.gov.uk
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