About Us

This website sets out to bring together in one place high quality research, information, and intelligence about Wirral; the place and the people that live here.

Information is made available on a wide range of themes including population and people, health, the economy, poverty and inequalities and crime and community safety. The information also provides local, regional and national context.

A key set of intelligence in this website is a collection of needs analysis focused on the current and future health and wellbeing of the Wirral population; this information is known as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

It is used to help determine what actions local authorities, the NHS and other partners need to take to meet health and social care needs and to address the wider determinants that impact on health and wellbeing.

This website is resourced and maintained by Public Health Intelligence Team, part Adult Social Care and Public Health Directorate within Wirral Council. Working through active dialogue with a range of partners, groups and communities the service provides support in the form of information and intelligence to organisations in Wirral. 

The site draws content and data from different sources in new and existing ways to improve our wider understanding of our place and people. The focus is to provide analysis that can be used to ‘make a difference’ and improve outcomes for Wirral residents.

For more information please get in touch: phintelligenceservice@wirral.gov.uk

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