Archived Content
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Generic Content
COVID-19: Historic Content
This page hosts previously produced COVID-19 data, impacts and response content that was produced during the pandemic. This is not bening updated or added to at this time.
Previous This is Wirral content (2019)
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Wirral Intelligence Service Archived Local Voice content – 2015 to 2018
Wirral Intelligence Service - Archived Local Voice content – 2015 to 2018
This content is a summary document with previously published content - Please visit our more recent content at Local Voice page.
Wirral Suicide Audits (single year 2013-2017)
Current content on Wirral Suicide Audit
Wirral Suicide Audit 2017 (produced December 2018)
The 2017 audit is based on cases examined by the Liverpool Coroner during 2017 (calendar year)
Wirral Suicide Audit 2016 (produced September 2017)
The 2016 audit is based on cases examined by the Liverpool Coroner during 2016 (calendar year)
Wirral Suicide Audit 2015 (produced January 2017)
The 2015 audit is based on cases examined by the Liverpool Coroner during 2015 (calendar year)
Wirral Suicide Audit 2014 (produced May 2016)
The 2014 audit is based on cases examined by the Liverpool Coroner during 2014 (calendar year)
Wirral Suicide Audit 2013 (produced January 2016)
Wirral Long Term Conditions Model 2017
This report used a combination of primary care data for Wirral, combined with mortality and population trends and epidemiological estimates from the research literature to estimate the potential burden of a set of long term conditions for the 15 years from 2016-2031.
Estimates were produced for diagnosed prevalence, inpatient costs, morbidity-related quality adjusted life years (QALYs) lost and mortality-related QALYs lost for 2016 to give a total burden of QALYs lost for each disease. To our knowledge, this has never been done before.
The results from this model should be used for planning for health and social care services in Wirral. This report may be used in conjunction with the Commissioning for Value LTC pack and with several new models around LTCs such as the “Realising the Value” tool developed by Nesta and the Health Foundation,[2] or the “Long Term Conditions Financial Modelling Tool”[3] developed by SIMUL8, Datalytics, NHSE and Kings Health Partners. These models can be used to look at interventions to improve management of people with long term conditions
Health Equity Audits
Health Equity Audit (HEA) is used to identify how fairly services or other resources are distributed in relation to the health needs of different groups and areas.
The process usually identifies what actions are required to provide services in relation to need (i.e more equitably).
The overall aim is to ensure resources are distributed according to how much they are needed to reduce inequalities in health.
To find out more about HEA and Health Inequalities, go to NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence)
Hearing Impairment (Children and Young People)
Key findings
Report (February 2016)
Hearing impairment in children is a low incidence high impact disability
There are currently 358 Children and Young People known to the Wirral Sensory Service for having a Hearing Impairment, giving a prevalence of 4.8 per 1000 (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016).
Nationally there has been a 16% increase since 2011 in the numbers of deaf children known to local authority specialist educational services (CRIDE, 2014a). This increase in numbers has also been seen by the Wirral Sensory Service, with a 16% increase since 2013 (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016)
An estimated 31 in every 100,000 (0.031%) children and young people up to the age of 19 in the UK have co-occurring vision and hearing impairments. In Wirral this figure is currently 0.036% (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016).
Nationally, a reported 21% of deaf children have additional special educational needs (CRIDE, 2013).
Significant hearing impairment can have an impact on language development and communication difficulties can provide a risk for behavioural problems, emotional and psychological difficulties, poorer employment prospects and mental health issues (Blamey & Sarant, 2011; Lederberg cited in Prezbindowski, et al., 1998; Bercow, 2008; Mayer, 2007).
Chronic otitis media (inflammatory diseases of the middle ear) is the leading cause of hearing loss amongst children. In Wirral, currently 24% of children and young people have hearing impairments due to middle ears issue (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016).
Recent research (Archbold et al., 2015) into mild/moderate hearing loss in children, shows this has a bigger impact on family and education than generally recognised by others.
Over 40% of deaf children (NDCS, 2010) experience mental health problems, compared to over 25% of hearing children. There are currently 6 young people from the Wirral being seen by this local Deaf CAMHS (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016).
In England, around 9% of deaf children use sign language in some form, either on its own or alongside another language (CRIDE, 2013). In Wirral this figure is 8.3% (Wirral Sensory Service database January 2016).
In November 2014, Wirral Sensory Service was rated as good with some outstanding features through a peer review linked to the Quality Standards developed for SEN support and Outreach Services.
Wirral Health and Education services for children and young people who are deaf already work closely together to provide joined up services.
Wirral Sensory Service has a low number of out of borough placement
The new All-age Disability Partnership provides new opportunities for children and young people with hearing impairment though related national, and consequential local, austerity measures should be monitored for any potential service impact
Hearing Impairment (Children and Young People) (February 2016)
Hearing Impairment (General)
NHS Right Care: Long Term Conditions Pack (December 2016)
NHS Right Care: Neurological Pack (April 2016)
These packs contain data on a number of disease areas and elements of care. The pack is split by stages along a long term conditions pathway and enables a local health economy to look at an element, for example disease detection or prescribing, across multiple disease areas.
NHS Right Care: Long Term Conditions Pack (December 2016)
NHS Right Care: Neurological Packs (April 2016)
The pack contains a number of new indicators not included in previous packs. It also includes case studies, tools and guidance to support CCGs to make improvements to long term conditions care in their local health economy.
Action Plan on Hearing Loss (March 2015) Department of Health and NHS England
This Action Plan on Hearing Loss sets out a case for action to tackle the rising prevalence and personal, social and economic costs of uncorrected hearing loss and the variation in access and quality of services experienced by people with hearing loss.
Our support, our lives: joining up the public services used by disabled people (March 2015) SCOPE
Joined up support can make it easier for working-age disabled people to live independently – to enjoy family life fully, participate in and contribute to their community, access education and training opportunities, find and stay in employment. SCOPE report covers all these elements
Previous content
Other Needs Assessments
Accidental Dwelling Fires (ADFs) Health Needs Assessment (HNA) by Wirral Public Health and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (February 2014)
Accidental dwelling fires (ADFs) are fires that occur in buildings occupied by a household and that are started without intent. Dwelling fires can result in both physical and mental harms and the injuries sustained in fires can be fatal. The purpose of this health needs assessment is to improve the understanding of accidental dwelling fires in Wirral, their distribution and risk factors, and to identify evidence based interventions to reduce ADFs. -
Health Needs Assessment for Homelessness in Liverpool City Region (May 2014)
Liverpool Public Health Observatory was commissioned by the Merseyside Directors of Public Health to deliver this Health Needs Assessment of homelessness in Liverpool City Region. This followed concerns that the recent economic downturn and changes to welfare provision were negatively impacting on housing security across the region. View the full HNA report for more information. -
Health Needs Assessment of Offenders in the community Cheshire East, Cheshire West & Chester, Warrington and Wirral (July 2013)
Created for Wirral and the surrounding area as its first Health Needs Assessment (HNA) for offenders in the community. The research, on behalf of NHS Cheshire, Warrington & Wirral, seeks to understand the health needs of offenders in the community in order to inform local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Local Authority (LA) and Local Area Teams of the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB LAT) to their current and future commissioning arrangements. The appendices for the HNA can be accessed by selecting this PDF. -
Cheshire and Merseyside's first Health Needs Assessment for Ex-Armed Forces personnel and their families (March 2013)
For Wirral and the surrounding area its first Health Needs Assessment (HNA) for ex-armed forces personnel and their families. The research, undertaken by Liverpool Public Health Observatory on behalf of Merseyside and Cheshire Directors of Public Health, seeks to assess the level of health needs of the military veteran’s community and their families in the Cheshire and Merseyside area in order to inform local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Local Authority (LA) and Local Area Teams of the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB LAT) to their current and future commissioning arrangements. -
Wirral Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Needs Assessment (April 2012)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) identified a requirement for more robust data and intelligence on the health and social care needs of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in Wirral. Consequently, a comprehensive health and wellbeing needs assessment (HNA) was conducted. Findings from the report provide the basis of an action plan to support organisations and services in Wirral review their current models of delivery and enable them to make informed decisions to ensure equitable access for the LGBT population. -
Wirral Smoking Prevalence Report (October 2012)
This prevalence report presents the results of telephone interviews with just under 3,500 Wirral residents carried out in September and October 2012, with an emphasis on the more deprived areas of Wirral. -
Fixed Odds Betting Terminal (FOBT) use, across the Liverpool City Region – report now published (LPHO Report series number95) (April 2014)Liverpool Public Health Observatory was commissioned by Merseyside Directors of Public Health to look at problem gambling, and Fixed Odds Betting Terminal (FOBT) use, across the Liverpool City Region. The project report can be accessed here.
Health Needs Assessment of Adult Offenders across the criminal justice system on Merseyside - Liverpool Public Health Observatory report series No. 87 (July 2012) Liverpool Public Health Observatory was commissioned by Merseyside Directors of Public Health to carry out a health needs assessment (HNA) of adult offender health across the criminal justice system on Merseyside. The HNA covers the 3 prisons on Merseyside: HMP Liverpool, Altcourse and Kennet, as well as offenders on probation and in police custody across Merseyside. Because the majority of female offenders from the Merseyside area who are sent to prison are sent to HMP Styal, Styal was also included. This HNA covers offenders aged 18 and upwards. A health and wellbeing needs assessment of young offenders aged 10-18 is due for completion in December 2012. As part of the health needs assessment, quantitative data on prevalence of mental and physical health problems, as well as a wide range of other measures, were collected from the 4 prisons, as well as from Merseyside Probation Service. In addition, fifty eight interviews were carried out with key stakeholders, including offenders and key health care staff.
Also consider
Managed Dosage Systems (LPHO) (October 2014)
Suicide Prevention Training (LPHO) (October 2014)
Loneliness (LPHO) (July 2014)
Wirral Violence Profile
Wirral Violence Profile - produced by Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University (December 2014) -
Public Health England launches new violence toolkit for businesses
The violence toolkit for businesses is a step by step guide for businesses on how they can tackle domestic violence and raise awareness of an issue that impacts health, wellbeing and absence in the workplace. -
Accident and Emergency department data sharing to support violence prevention in Wirral (Centre For Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University)
Accident and Emergency department (A&E) data can play a key role in understanding and preventing violence, yet are often under-utilised by local partners. Based on interviews with local partners in September 2013, this case study outlines how data sharing pathways have been developed in Wirral and how A&E data were informing multi-agency violence prevention work. -
Merseyside and Cheshire Themed Report: Assaults in the home across Merseyside and Cheshire (2011/12 to 2012/13)
This Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG) report provides an analysis of assault in the home attendances to Accident and Emergency Departments (AEDs) across Merseyside and Cheshire, reporting on patient demography and incident levels between April 2011 and March 2013. -
Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG): Trends in violence across the North West of England
This briefing for commissioners and providers is to look at violence-related attendances to all Emergency Departments across the North West of England, supplemented by North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) data, providing a much more detailed picture of violence-related activity across the region.
Formerly Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group
What is Clinical Commissioning?
Clinical commissioning is the term we use to describe how an organisation (the commissioner) first identifies the health needs of a population and then sets about a process to appoint other organisations (providers) to supply services to meet these needs.
Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group have a duty to ensure that the services they commission are high quality, safe, local and accessible and also good value for money.
Older People Outcomes Baseline Profile (2019)
This profile has been designed as a resource to accompany the Healthy Wirral Outcomes Framework for Older People. Its primary focus is to provide a high-level baseline position, highlighting variation that will inform the development of population-based commissioning.
What is Clinical Commissioning?
Clinical commissioning is the term we use to describe how an organisation (the commissioner) first identifies the health needs of a population and then sets about a process to appoint other organisations (providers) to supply services to meet these needs. We have a duty to ensure that the services we commission are high quality, safe, local and accessible and also good value for money. The types of service we commission include:
- Most local hospital care, for example, A&E, Outpatients, Tests and Operations
- Most mental health care including both GP based services and hospital-based services
- Most community services for example district nurses, matrons and physiotherapy
Wirral CCG do not commission all health services. In these cases NHS England has the responsibility:
- GPs, Dentists, Opticians & Pharmacists
- Specialist Services, for example, cardiac & neurosurgery or transplant surgery.
Who are Wirral CCG?
Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) came into existence as part of the reorganisation of NHS structures undertaken in response to the Health & Social Care Act 2012. Under the new legislation, we are responsible for commissioning health services for the residents of Wirral. In doing this we:
- Seek to continuously improve services and reduce inequalities
- Work with patients, carers and the public when making decisions
- Partner with other health and social care bodies in planning and delivery
- Perform our duties efficiently and manage our resources effectively
- promote the values of the NHS and protect its future
Wirral CCG became authorised as a clinical commissioning group in March of 2013 and formally assumed this responsibility from April 2013.
What do Wirral CCG want to achieve?
Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commits to continue to improve health and reduce disease by working with patients, public and partners, tackling health inequalities and helping people to take care of themselves.
Every GP practice on Wirral is a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Data sources
Making NHS data transparent will help to drive up quality and create even better services.
Unfortunately MyNHS website has now closed due to lack of use.
However the list and links below will take you to the most relevant data and detail that this site once accessed:
- Data on health & wellbeing
- Data on services
- This page links to a range of performance measures for NHS services and commissioners - including hospitals, GPs and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
- Data on speciality treatments
- This page links to data from Clinical Outcomes Publications, which provide quality measures at individual consultant, team and unit levels using national clinical audit and administrative data.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Intelligent Monitoring for NHS GP practices
The Intelligent Monitoring (IM) tool has been developed to give CQC a clearer understanding of each provider, which informs their inspectors where they should inspect, and what to focus on during an inspection. It will assist them when planning the inspection programme for NHS GP practices. The tool draws on existing and established national data sources, and includes indicators covering a range of activity in GP practices and the experiences of patients. The indicators relate to the five key questions that we will ask of all services when they inspect: are they safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.
Commissioning for Value - NHS England
NHS RightCare provide local clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local health economies practical support in gathering data, evidence and tools to help them improve the way care is delivered for their patients and populations. Below are the latest NHS Wirral CCG RightCare packs:
- Long term conditions pack – December 2016
- Refreshed ‘Where to Look’ pack – October 2016
- Refreshed ‘Where to Look’ pack – January 2016
The information in these products will be of particular interest to CCG clinical and management leads with responsibility for finance, performance, improvement and health outcomes; to NHS England regional teams; to other stakeholders within each STP footprint area; and to commissioning support teams who are helping CCGs with this work.
National General Practice Profiles for Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group
These profiles are designed to support GPs, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local authorities to ensure that they are providing and commissioning effective and appropriate healthcare services for their local population.
The 'How' of Integrated Commissioning
In September 2014, the Independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England, established by The King’s Fund, called for the introduction of a ‘single local commissioner’ framework to replace the existing fragmented landscape of health and social care commissioning. This latest report looks at how single local commissioners, backed by integrated ring-fenced budgets, could be implemented across the country by 2020 - without the need for top-down organisational upheaval.
Practical guide to engaging with clinical commissioning groups (Compact Voice)
This guide, produced in partnership with Regional Voices for Better Health, is aimed at voluntary organisations and provides practical steps to help develop relationships with clinical commissioning groups. They have also published Practical guidance to engaging with health and wellbeing boards.
Previously published content (historic)
CCG specific 2010 Indices of Multiple Deprivation for Wirral
We produced four maps that compare the CCG practice population in its entirety and as each Commissioning Group (WHCC, WHA & WGPCC) with the 2010 Indices of Multiple Deprivation for Wirral.
- Wirral CCG practices and IMD 2010
- Wirral CCG practices and IMD 2010 (Alliance practices only)
- Wirral CCG practices and IMD 2010 (WHA practices only)
- Wirral CCG practices and IMD 2010 (GPCC practices only)
Previous Health related content
Former Mental Health web page
Wirral specific information from Public Health England Profiles
Wirral profile - Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNAs
Wirral profile - Perinatal Mental Health
Wirral profile - Suicide Prevention
Wirral profile - Dementia
Wirral Profile - Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing
Wirral Profile - Co-occuring substance misuse and mental health issues
Wirral Profile - Common Mental Health Disorders
Wirral Profile - Neurology
Wirral Profile - Severe Mental Illness
Local Information
Download Summary for Mental Health Services (Last refreshed - August 2012)
A new Mental Health section will soon be started (Summer 2020)
Other related content
- Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Health section for Mental Health and Dementia
Further information
Wirral Commissioning for Value - Mental health and dementia pack (NHS Right Care, January 2017)
This pack contains data across a range of mental health and dementia services.and should be used to help support discussions about mental health care in the local health economy, to improve the value and utilisation of resources and reducing variation in outcomes. -
Mental Health Survey with Young People
National Citizen Service Programme and Birkenhead Sixth Form College (Summer 2016)
Healthwatch set out to complete the survey with young people, over 140 making their feelings known, to allow then to share their understanding of mental health issues and to raise awareness of the services that are commissioned to support them. The survey was promoted through July, August and September via the National Citizens Scheme and with Birkenhead Sixth Form College. The results highlight the concerns and issues being faced by our young people today, services they want to access and ways they want to be communicated with. -
Wirral Mencap Consultation Report: How do we make Wirral a better place to live for people with a learning disability and their families? July 2016
Wirral Mencap has gathered data from over 160 people with a learning disability and/ or family carers to establish the main concerns and aspirations of people living in Wirral. The data includes information gathered via surveys, focus groups, accessible consultation exercises and statistical information from existing service provision. -
The Five Year Forward View for Mental Health
This national strategy, which covers care and support for all ages, was published in February 2016 and signifies the first time there has been a strategic approach to improving mental health outcomes across the health and care system, in partnership with the health arm’s length bodies. -
Deliberate Self Harm across Merseyside and Cheshire April 2011 to March 2014 (September 2015)
Self-inflicted violence, self-poisoning or deliberate self-harm (DSH), is an important public health problem in the UK and across the world. This local report by Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University looks to increase our understanding of self-harm as both a public health issue and an individual concern for those involved, and provide up to date information on how self-harm impacts on the people of Merseyside and Cheshire. -
Wirral Mental Health Forum: JSNA Call for Information Report - August 2014
This short report outlines the survey results provided by the Mental Health Forum (MHF) in April 2014 in response to the first Wirral Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Call for Information. There were 16 responses to the survey both through the Forum meeting and individual submissions during April 2014. -
Wirral Mental Health Survey (Wirral results) 2013
The first North West Mental Wellbeing Survey was carried out in 2009 and provided a baseline measure of the regions mental health and wellbeing. A repeat of the survey was carried out in 2013. This report is for Wirral results. -
Mental Health Promotion and Prevention: The Economic Case
Personal Social Services Research Unit, and London School of Economics and Political Science were asked by the Department of Health to identify and analyse the costs and economic pay-offs of a range of interventions in the area of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention, and to present this information in a way that would most helpfully support NHS and other commissioners in assessing the case for investment.
Risk & Outcomes of COVID-19 in Wirral (March to June 2020)
Risk & Outcomes of COVID-19 in Wirral (March to June 2020)
This is a review of data on disparities in the risk and outcomes from COVID-19 in Wirral between March and June 2020.
The review presents findings based on surveillance data available to Wirral Intelligence Service at the time of publication and the format was based on the Public Health England report, “Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19” (published June 2020) which takes a population health approach to the pandemic.
Our team continue to monitor the data closely and this report will be updated to reflect the period following June 2020 and highlight any further trends and disparities in risk and outcomes relating to COVID-19 following any future phases.
- Latest report is on COVID-19: The data web page
2019 Children an Young Peoples Self Assessment and Improvement Plan
2019/20 North West Peer Challenge - Self Assessment (October 2019)
2019/20 Ofsted Improvement Plan (October 2019)
Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Summary of Standards Report (September 2019)
This report contains data and information that has informed the Improvement Plan and these documents below:
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Standards Report 2019 (August 2019)
Phonics Standards Report 2019 (August 2019)
Key Stage 1 Standards 2019 (August 2019)
Key Stage 2 Standards 2019 (August 2019)
Key Stage 4 Summary Headlines 2019 (August 2019)
Appendix A Education and School Improvement Evidence (August 2019)
Appendix B Childrens Services Analysis Tool (ChAT) (September 2019)
Appendix C SEND Dashboard (September 2019)
Previous Reports
- Wirral Reducing the Strength Evaluation (December 2018)
Wirral Reducing the Strength (RtS) scheme is an initiative which works to limit the sale of cheap, high strength lagers, beers and ciders of ABV 6.5% or more by working with local alcohol retailers. The overall aim of the project is to reduce alcohol related harm, alcohol related admissions to hospital and to improve perception of community safety. This evaluation examines how well RtS has performed in relation to achieving its original aims. - Frailty Evidence Review (August 2018)
There is a lack of consensus on a definition for frailty. This evidence review sets out to gather the latest and best known information to help understand the implications of frailty on a local population. - Wirral Council and Selective Licensing for Privately Rented properties (September 2018) Phase 2
Wirral introduced its first Selective Licensing Scheme on 1st July 2015 in 4 small areas, and in October 2018, Councillors agreed to extend Selective Licensing into another four areas. This business case and consultation report make the case for extending into four new areas which are experiencing the worst symptoms of low demand and poor property condition in the borough, and the new scheme will be live from 1st April 2019.