Adult social care in England: what next?
17 Oct 2024
This report sets out the major challenges facing the adult social care system in England and explores potential future developments for the sector
17 Oct 2024
This report sets out the major challenges facing the adult social care system in England and explores potential future developments for the sector
16 Oct 2024
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) have launched a consultation to review the Local Ward Boundaries for Wirral
16 Oct 2024
The full report has found significant failings in the internal workings of the CQC, which have led to a substantial loss of credibility within the health and social care sectors, a deterioration in the ability of the CQC to identify poor performance and support a drive to improve quality, and a direct impact on the capacity and capability of both the social care and the health care sectors to deliver much-needed improvements in care. The report outlines the necessary changes to start improving the CQC.
13 Oct 2024
What are the potential impact of climate change on our health and what it might mean for the NHS?
01 Oct 2024
Wildfire threatens global climate goals by weakening carbon sinks
29 Sept 2024
We have revised our content related to the Climate Emergency and it is now one one detailed page
03 Sept 2024
The UK has had its coolest summer since 2015, according to provisional Met Office statistics.
02 Sept 2024
Is the use of privately funded health care on the rise?
02 Jul 2024
Local Insight unavailable from 7pm to 10pm tonight (3rd July 2024)
28 May 2024
This latest research from the Centre for Ageing Better reveals that being poor or disabled can make a person over the age of 50 up to four times more likely to experience ageism.
27 May 2024
A new study has found climate change has influenced how much rain falls during autumn and winter storms.
20 May 2024
Alzheimer's Society commissioned CF (Carnall Farrar Ltd) to estimate current and future economic and health care costs of dementia in the UK
13 May 2024
Pharmacies in the UK dispense millions of prescription items each year. Since 2021 there have been reports of increasing supply problems affecting medicines
12 May 2024
New data published today by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows cases of whooping cough continue to increase with 1,319 cases confirmed in March.
12 May 2024
IHE’s new report, ‘England’s Widening Health Gap: Local Places Falling Behind’, confirms widening inequalities in life expectancy between regions in England and within local authorities since 2010. These widening inequalities are associated with an average reduction in local authority spending power of 34 percent.
12 May 2024
There is more information about National Carer’s Week in Wirral here: Wired | Carers Week 2024
06 May 2024
This Kings Fund long read examines trends in life expectancy at birth up to 2022, the impact of Covid-19 on life expectancy, gender differences and inequalities in life expectancy, causes of the changing trends since 2011, and how life expectancy in the UK compares with other countries.
16 Apr 2024
Currently, it is estimated that more than one in five people in the UK are living in poverty. Living in poverty has a profound impact on people’s health and how they use NHS services.
10 Apr 2024
While some indicators have shown small positive signs of improvements, these are not yet at the point where they can decrease the financial pressures on many UK households, according to the March 2024 Money Statistics, produced by The Money Charity