The definition from the Department of Health's JSNA Guidance is, "Joint Strategic Needs Assessment describes a process that identifies current and future health and wellbeing needs in light of existing services and informs future service planning taking into account evidence of effectiveness.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment identifies 'the big picture', in terms of the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of a local population". Producing a JSNA is a mandatory requirement designed to help organisations with service planning and the commissioning process.
This is a fundamental necessity of the Health & Social Care Act 2012 were local partnerships, but principally the local Health & Wellbeing Board and partners, are expected to prioritise based on the information and evidence in their local JSNA and other sources, as it highlights where there are gaps in knowledge or services and so helps inform effective decision making.
JSNA should also set out what people want from their services and should be underpinned by partnership working, community engagement and evidence of effectiveness.
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