Our JSNA...

is a collection of all the site content that provides the broadest picture of Wirral residents. From population and demographic reports to detailed JSNA assessments and everything in between. We recognise that this can be a lot for people to take in so will develop our content that also includes shorter briefing papers, for example, as an overview of the key aspects affecting residents across Wirral. 

The content links in the tab below provide the most comprehensive overall insight and information on our local population. While searching our A to Z adds depth on a range of topics and issues facing Wirral residents.  

Key JSNA documents and content
In development
  • Wirral Health and Wellbeing Board Annual JSNA Report - publication expected June 2024

  • Wirral JSNA: Living and Ageing Well (Summer 2024)

  • Wirral JSNA: Childhood and Family Poverty (Autumn 2024)

  • Wirral JSNA: Drugs Misuse (Summer 2024)

What is a JSNA or Joint Strategic Needs Assessment?

What is a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, better known as a JSNA, is intended to be a systematic review of the health and wellbeing needs of the local population, informing local priorities, policies and strategies that in turn informs local commissioning priorities that will improve health and wellbeing outcomes and reduce inequalities throughout the Borough.

Wirral’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) sets out to be an interactive and continuous process of the reviewing of current content, developing information for inclusion and working across sectors and partners to enhance the involvement, participation and communication of Wirral’s JSNA.

Why have a JSNA?

The definition from the Department of Health's JSNA Guidance is, "Joint Strategic Needs Assessment describes a process that identifies current and future health and wellbeing needs in light of existing services and informs future service planning taking into account evidence of effectiveness.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment identifies 'the big picture', in terms of the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of a local population". Producing a JSNA is a mandatory requirement designed to help organisations with service planning and the commissioning process.

This is a fundamental necessity of the Health & Social Care Act 2012 Local partnerships, but principally the local Health & Wellbeing Board and partners, are expected to prioritise based on the information and evidence in their local JSNA and other sources, as it highlights where there are gaps in knowledge or services and so helps inform effective decision making.

JSNA should also set out what people want from their services and should be underpinned by partnership working, community engagement and evidence of effectiveness. 

For more information please get in touch: phintelligence@wirral.gov.uk

Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 (‘the Act’) amended the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (’the 2007 Act’) to introduce duties and powers for health and wellbeing boards in relation to Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs). 

This statutory guidance explained the duties and powers relating to JSNAs and JHWSs. This guidance does not cover the wider membership of health and wellbeing boards, or what services should be commissioned in response to local JSNA findings and JHWS priorities – it suggests that these decisions need to be made locally, depending on circumstances, and subject to duties to have regard to the relevant JSNAs and JHWSs.

Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (March 2013)

JSNA and Health and Wellbeing Board duties and powers

Commissioning Cycle and how insight and evidence should be used


Commissioning Cycle sunburst diagram

Who is involved?

Information from Council, NHS and other partners is collected and collated to inform the JSNA and this reflects the important role that all organisations and sectors have (statutory, voluntary, community and faith) in improving the health and wellbeing of Wirral’s residents.

How can you help?

If you have ideas or any suggestions about issues, topics or things affecting your area then email us at phintelligence@wirral.gov.uk

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