Health & Wellbeing Board

Key content

Wirral's Health & Wellbeing Board (HWBB) provides oversight, strategic direction and coordination of the range of local partnership approaches while the partners set out to directly commission services. Also the HWBB seeks to:

  • Develop a shared understanding of the needs of the local community through the development of an agreed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 

  • Meet those needs through leading on the on going development of a Health & Wellbeing Strategy 

  • Provide a local governance structure for local planning and accountability of health and wellbeing related outcomes

Wirral's Health and Wellbeing Board use the Council Plan 2023-2027 as their collective and collaborative response to the locally identified needs. This is in conjunction with Wirral Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-27 that has been developed by our Wirral Health and Wellbeing Board.

Wirral Health & Wellbeing Board papers can be accessed on the Local Authority website.

Previous Wirral Health & Wellbeing Board - Terms of Reference and the Memorandum of Understanding both identify links to Wirral JSNA.  


Wirral Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-27

Wirral Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-27

The Wirral Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-27 has been developed by Wirral Health and Wellbeing Board, which is a collective of local  organisations including the Council, NHS, Healthwatch, the Community, Voluntary and Faith Sector, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, Merseyside Police, the Department for Work and Pensions and Wirral Metropolitan College.

Every area is required to have a Health and Wellbeing Board. Their job is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local population, as a partnership committee, producing a joint assessment of health needs and a joint health and wellbeing strategy.

The strategy focuses on our mutual priorities, resources and assets that will make the biggest difference to improving health in Wirral. It sets out the shared ambition, solutions and approaches, using the best of the borough’s combined strengths and capabilities.

It is built upon what Wirral residents have said about being healthy and what evidence suggests works to help. The Strategy complements the work of individual organisations and contributes to the delivery of the Wirral Plan 2021-2026. It also a key part of the vision for the Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care System, which has a duty to work closely with the Health and Wellbeing Board. More broadly it supports the local delivery of All Together Fairer, Cheshire and Merseyside’s collaborative approach to reducing differences in health outcomes.

The strategy has five priorities, these are:

Wirral's Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (2013 to 2015)

Wirral's first Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (2013 to 2015)
This was the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wirral. It set out the overarching framework that describes how the public, private and voluntary sectors will work together with Wirral residents. This joint work would look to improve the health and wellbeing of local people. The Health and Wellbeing Board strategy provides a basis for the commissioning of health, social care and wellbeing services in Wirral.

Previous information - development of local Health & Wellbeing Boards