Living and working well
Content and intelligence within this domain consider individual health and lifestyle such as physical activity, smoking, substance misuse, diet and obesity, and provide information on the health outcomes and assessments of the burden of ill-health in the local population and information on the use of services.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) identifies key issues affecting the health and wellbeing of our residents, both now and in the future.
Most people begin their working lives in good health. Staying physically and mentally healthy enough to work is crucial to your wellbeing.
We want to increase the number of Wirral residents in sustained, meaningful employment and the level of skills in the borough. Being out of work is generally bad for your health. Poor health can be a cause of losing employment and also a huge barrier to gaining employment.
We are concerned about the large number of people in Wirral who have a long term illness. This is reflected in several indicators and can be seen across the whole population. Improving mental health and wellbeing in all people of working age is important to a successful and thriving borough.
This summary part of the JSNA highlights the key issues, outcomes and measures related to the working life of the population aged 16–64.