Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy in Wirral (2020-2022)
Life expectancy is an important marker for the underlying health of the population. Consequently, it is calculated regularly (usually annually) and any changes are carefully monitored by Public Health teams. Life expectancy at birth in England showed dramatic increases throughout the twentieth century as health and living conditions improved. It increased from 46 for males and 50 for females in 1900, to 76 for males and 80 for females in 2000 and has continued to increase since but in the most recent years this has slowed when compared to England. Equally, increases in life expectancy have not been uniform across all social groups and the inequality in life expectancy between those from more deprived areas and those from more affluent areas has continued to increase. In addition to life expectancy, we also monitor healthy life expectancy (HLE) or the number of years people can expect to live in ‘good’ health. Increases in HLE have not matched the gains in life expectancy, meaning that although people are living longer, their later years are spent in poorer health, creating greater demands on health and social care services.
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently working upon a refresh of the Life Expectancy Report for 2021-2023 as later data has become available
Trend in Life Expectancy and Life Expectancy Maps (2020-22)