Wirral All Age Disability Strategy 2024 – 2029
All Age Disability Strategy 2024 – 2029 - ‘Full and Active Lives’ (Full document) (Please note (18/7/24) we are in the process of updating the links to this document)
All Age Disability Strategy 2024 – 2029 - ‘Full and Active Lives’ (EasyRead version)
Wirral’s All Age Disability Strategy 2024-2029 has been coproduced with people across Wirral, including people with disabilities, their parents and carers, practitioners, commissioners, volunteers, and other people who work in health and social care. (Please note (18/7/24) we are in the process of updating the links to this document)
The vision is that people of all ages with disabilities can maximise their potential and live a full and active life.
Our mission is to work together to realise aspirations, improve access to opportunities and reduce barriers for people of all ages with disabilities in Wirral over the next 5 years.
The 5 core values of the strategy are:
- Person-centred
- Working Together
- Advocacy
- Integrity
- Quality
Our priorities over the next 5 years for people with disabilities are:
- Improving Health and Wellbeing
- Living Enriched Lives
- Having Independent Lives
- Gaining Employment and Economic Wellbeing
As part of the coproduction process, we worked with Thomas and his family to demonstrate the importance of person-centred planning and to provide a learning opportunity. You can read Thomas’ story.
Also part of evidence base Wirral Learning Disability & Autistic Spectrum Disorder Profile (March 2024)
If you require any further information regarding Wirral Council Adult Social Care Services and Support please use this web page link https://www.wirral.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-social-care
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