Wirral Adult Carers Strategy Consultation

Wirral Adult Carers Strategy Consultation

Many people with caring responsibilities do not identify themselves as a Carer, and for some people it can take several years to realise they are a Carer and that there is support and services that they can access.

Wirral Council wants Carers of all ages and backgrounds in the borough to feel valued, empowered and have access to the right support at the right time.

Wirral Council are writing a strategy to improve support for Carers. We want the strategy to reflect the lived experiences of local Carers and how they wish to be supported in the future.

Wirral Council have identified what they think is important to carers, but we want to know if we’re getting it right.
Are these the same issues that matter to you?

Whether you are an adult supporting a friend or family member, a parent looking after a child who has additional needs, or a young person who spends a lot of time looking after members of your family, please look at the draft strategy and tell us what you think.

You can access the  Wirral Adult Carers Strategy consultation at  Have your say

The consultation will run till 21st May 2023.