Privacy policy
Your privacy is important to us. This privacy policy covers what we collect and how we use, share and store your information.
This page tells you:
- about the information we may collect
- how we keep your data secure
- who we share your data with
- about your rights to see or change information we hold about you
This is the Privacy Notice relating to the web site
- Who we are
This web site is provided by Wirral Council, a Local Authority which is based at:
Wirral Council
Wallasey Town Hall
Brighton Street
Telephone: 0151 606 2000
We (Wirral Council) are registered as a Data Processor with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). That allows us to collect certain information from people who use this web site, on condition that we store and process the information correctly.
Our ICO registration number is Z5881449 - please go to the ICO search facility here
- What information we may collect
The Wirral Intelligence Service web site collects the following data:
2a. Information which you input into any forms we may include on the web site, e.g. a Contact Us form.
2b. Anonymised information collected by cookies. This includes your geographic area, the times you visited the web site and the pages you accessed. Please note that we are only able to see the IP address of a visitor; we can’t see who you are, your exact location or any contact details. You can choose to be excluded from this by setting your web browser not to accept cookies. The ‘help’ section of your browser will explain how to do this. You can see which cookies we use here.
2c. Your e-mail address for newsletter (optional). If you choose to complete the form on this web site to subscribe to our e-newsletter, we will collect the e-mail address that you submit on the form.
In addition, the web site shows you e-mail addresses of various organisations and individuals who may be of service to you. If you click on any of those links to e-mail the party concerned, the transmission of that e-mail is beyond the control of our organisation and this web site, so we strongly recommend that you exclude any sensitive information and/or use a secure e-mail system.
- Why we collect the information
3a. We collect information from forms in order to service the request or instruction you are making. For example if you fill in a Contact Us form to send us a question, we will use the information you send – which may include your contact details – to help or instruct you.
3b. We collect cookie information in order to assess the effectiveness of our web site and improve the material which we provide as well as our links to and from other web sites. We analyse cookie information using widely-used commercial software tools.
3c. We collect your e-mail address in order to send you our e-newsletters by e-mail. This is optional and is only collected if you choose to fill in the subscription form on this web site.
- The legal basis for collecting the information
We can only collect information from you if we have a lawful basis for doing so. In the case of this web site we collect information on the basis of ‘Public Task’. As an official body we have a remit to provide services to improve the health of our population and the information we collect through this web site is part of us doing that.
- Who we share information with
5a. In the case of information we collect when you fill in a form on this web site, e.g. when you send us a query via a Contact Us form, that information will be sent to the relevant team or individual officer of the Trust who is authorised to deal with your enquiry or comment. On occasions where the matter needs to be addressed by another organisation we may pass information to that organisation. In addition we may on occasion be required by the Police or other law agency to release information and as part of a legal process.
5b. The cookie information we collect is only viewed by the Trust or by our web site host: NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) for technical support purposes.
5c. If you supply your e-mail address as part of subscribing to our e-newsletter, we will only store and use your e-mail address in order to send you those newsletters. If you choose to unsubscribe, your e-mail address will be removed from our systems.
- How we keep information safe
Our web site host, MLCSU, employs a range of software and hardware technologies to make sure data which is collected through this web site is processed securely.
In addition, at GMMH, we have robust Information Governance standards which ensure that all personally identifiable information is securely processed and, if necessary, securely stored.
In the case of certain facilities such as our e-newsletter service, we use third party suppliers, e.g. we use Mailchimp to manage our e-newsletter distribution lists. We have chosen those suppliers as we understand their data security processes to be adequate to ensure your information is kept safe.
- Your rights
You have the right to:
7a. Know what information we hold about you as a result of your use of this web site
7b. Correct any such information which you think requires updating or correcting
7c. Have us delete any such information.
If you wish to do any of those things, please e-mail us at
Please bear in mind that we are unable to provide you with cookie information relating to your use of the web site as the information we collect doesn’t allow us to identify you. Remember, you can exclude yourself from the cookie information by disabling cookies for this web site within your browser software.
If you are dissatisfied with how we process your information, please contact us first on the e-mail address above.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you are entitled at any stage to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. The ICO is a national body which oversees data protection matters for all companies and organisations, including NHS organisations.
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113
Last updated 11th December 2023.
Future updates to this Privacy Notice will be posted on this web page.