Local Insight

For the full range of geographic reports please visit Wirral Local Insight

What is Wirral Local Insight?

Local Insight is an online community mapping and reporting tool that provides instant access to neighbourhood level data, specifically for Wirral.

It enables you to produce maps, tables and reports for specific areas of Wirral, as well as displaying where local services are located, e.g. GP practices and pharmacies in Wirral. Visit and use Wirral Local Insight

How to use Wirral Local Insight? 

This online mapping and reporting tool gives you access to interactive maps and reports at small area level.

These reports show key social and economic indicators and allow you to compare the area selected to comparator areas.

The 'how to' guide provides a complete overview of how to access the local insight content and in turn use it for your requirements again and again.

Examples how we have used Local Insight to improve the outcomes for local partners

Support for place-based commissioning in Wirral 

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  • The previous case studies have covered the efficiency saving elements as well as the opportunities for sharing information across the organisation. The work Wirral have carried out on place-based care localities combines the two to demonstrate real world applications of Local Insight.

  • The flexibility to create and edit areas easily, as well as an interactive platform on which to share data allowed Public Health and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to define the geographic boundaries for the place-based commissioning localities.

Using local insight to share and communicate data across your organisation

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  • Local Insight is not confined to just the Public Health Intelligence Team. Staff from across the organisation and beyond have been using Local Insight to support evidence-based decision making.

  • Local Insight has been designed to be accessible by all; so that you don’t need to be a statistician to gain useful insights. And with the public facing versions of the tool – anybody can access the data, without needing any login details.

  • When looking for a data and reporting tool, the ease of use and flexibility were of utmost importance to the team – because they wanted to open access to the wider team and council. With more than 70 users trained in using the system, Local Insight has become a useful way to share and communicate data across teams.

Freeing up time and resources in Wirral with Local Insight

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  • Using Local Insight has reduced the team’s burden of sourcing, processing and updating the data they need on a daily basis.

  • This has freed up the team’s time to spend on analysis and providing the evidence that decision-makers need to make informed choices.

Example how this tool can help you and your organisation