Learning Disabilities
Key findings/recommendations (published March 2024)
Wirral Learning Disability & Autistic Spectrum Disorder Profile
This profile presents published data on the estimated population as well as those known to services as well as support offered by education, adult social care and health services.
Also consider these local strategies:
Key findings/recommendations
Prevalence: Numbers of people with autism known to services in Wirral are greater than those estimated using recent research (3,950 known vs 2,330 estimated). Numbers known to primary care (Reference 1 in full document), education4 and social care have increased in recent years
Projected Trends: Projected trends are unable to be completed at present. This relates to population changes following Census 2021 awaiting inclusion into data sources such as POPPI and PANSI.
Support from Schools and Children’s Services (Reference 4 in full document): The number of pupils in Wirral overall has decreased in recent years, however this is not reflected in the trend for pupils with SEN/EHCP, which has increased in the same period.
Children in Need (CiN): Learning Disabilities represent a substantial proportion of CiN who have a disability; more than one in three for Wirral.
Support from Adult Social Care: Wirral supports less adults with a learning disability per head of population than Cheshire & Merseyside, but has a higher rate than CIPFA neighbours, North West and England for both 18-64 and 65+ years.
The proportion of adults living on their own or with their families8 is lower in Wirral than in Cheshire & Merseyside but higher than England)
The proportion in paid employment8 is lower than both Cheshire & Merseyside and England.
Although the number of Safeguarding (Section 42) enquiries involving people with a learning disability has fallen recently; the Wirral rate has been higher than England since 2019/20.
Screening/Annual Health Checks are not offered to children under 14, or to people with Autism-only at present. This remains an area of significant challenge for Cheshire and Merseyside. However, in Wirral uptake has improved in line with national trends and was just under 80% in 2022/23.
Seasonal flu vaccination rate has improved in recent years, despite a small dip in the most reason season (2022/23). This is in line with national trends as well as those seen across Cheshire & Merseyside.
Weight status is better recorded for people with a learning disability than for those without. In Wirral, the rate of obesity in people with LD is considerably higher for females than males.
Cancer: The low screening uptake for cervical and bowel screening for people with learning disabilities is considerable. However, in 2022/23 screening for breast cancer was at a similar level to those without a learning disability.
Long-term conditions: In 2022/23, Wirral continued to record a higher prevalence for epilepsy, severe mental illness, dementia, non-type 1 diabetes and hyperthyroidism in those with a learning disability that those without a learning disability.
Previous and related content
Learning Disability & Autistic Spectrum Disorder Profile for Wirral (June 2020)
Learning Disabilities Update (July 2016)
Previous Wirral JSNA: Learning Disabilities Update (March 2016)
Previous JSNA Learning Disabilities Chapter - up to August 2013
Merseyside and North Cheshire Health Needs Assessment for Learning Disabilities and Autism (March 2016)
Health inequalities and people with learning disabilities
The following topics have been added to the collection of summaries about the health inequalities people with learning disabilities experience: Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, Hypertension, Menstrual issues, Mental health problems, Overweight, obesity and underweight, Physical activity, Respiratory disease, Sensory impairments, Sexual health and Thyroid disorder
SENDLO our Local Offer
SENDLO our Local Offer
SENDLO brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/ or disabilities. Visit the website.
Further information
How do we make Wirral a better place to live for people with a learning disability and their families? July 2016 Wirral Mencap Consultation Report
Wirral Mencap has gathered data from over 160 people with a learning disability and/ or family carers to establish the main concerns and aspirations of people living in Wirral. The data includes information gathered via surveys, focus groups, accessible consultation exercises and statistical information from existing service provision. -
Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities: NICE guidelines (NG11) (May 2015)
This guideline covers interventions and support for children, young people and adults with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges. It highlights the importance of understanding the cause of behaviour that challenges, and performing thorough assessments so that steps can be taken to help people change their behaviour and improve their quality of life. The guideline also covers support and intervention for family members or carers.